Thu. May 2nd, 2024

6 Best Home Remedies for Sunspots

Have you ever looked at your skin and noticed certain brown, freckle-like spots forming? Chances are, those are sunspots. But what exactly are they, and how do they form?

Well, sunspots are the result of hyperpigmentation that has developed as a result of overexposure to the harsh UV rays of the sun. One typically finds them on their face, arms, hands, or any area of their body that is frequently exposed to the sunlight, and they usually lie flat on the surface.

Fear not, for these spots are typically harmless but should not necessarily be disregarded. A professional sun spot removal treatment can help you decrease their appearance. In addition, there are ways to treat this condition. Since they are the result of the effect of the sun’s harmful UV rays, you should take precautions to make sure that your skin does not continue to develop much of it.

Here are six best home remedies for sunspots:

Home Remedy for Sunspot #1: Aloe Vera

One of the reasons they appear could be inadequate protection of your skin from the sun. Whether you neglect the use of sunscreen or simply have sensitive skin or both, you will tend to be prone to developing these spots. Subjecting your body to these rays, especially during the sun’s peak hours, which range from around 10 in the morning to 4 in the late afternoon, progresses the effect it has on their formation.

Fortunately, you can use aloe vera to reverse the effects of sunspots. Aloe vera is the saviour of many skin and health-related problems. By containing the compounds of aloin and aloesin, it makes itself an incredibly useful substance for lightening the skin via the disintegration of the hyperpigmented spots. This lightening process will gradually vanish your sunspots, leaving you with clearer skin!

Home Remedy for Sunspot #2: Vitamins C and E

Yet another rescuer from sunspots are vitamins C and E. Natural antioxidants present in vitamin C contain certain absorbing acids which advance collagen production in our skin, thereby protecting us from harmful UV rays. Vitamin E also acts as an absorbent of these rays. Intake of each of these vitamins will help boost your skin’s barrier against the effect of the sun. However, taking them together will work even more wonders!

Some forms of vitamin C intake comprise citrus, oils, and supplements. Applying lemon juice directly to one’s skin is also a fruitful way to speed up the process. Vitamin E can be found in a vast array of oils, such as hazelnut, sunflower, soybean, and almond, and by intake of peanuts and pumpkin.

Home Remedy for Sunspot #3: Green and Black Tea

Not only is tea soothing for your mental state, but also your skin! By placing a used tea bag of either green or black tea on the affected skin area, the caffeine content in the mixture depletes the darkness of the spots by breaking down the hyperpigmentation. So pop on your kettle, make yourself a hot cup of tea and sip on it while you wait for the caffeine to work its magic!

Home Remedy for Sunspot #4: Milk

The discolouration caused by the sunbeams can be lightened with yet another useful trick! With high levels of lactic acid, milk is a useful skin-lightener. Apply some to your sunspots via a cotton applicator, and watch as it brings your skin tone back to what it originally was. You can use normal milk or even buttermilk — both do the job right!

Home Remedy for Sunspot #5: Turmeric

What’s a hyperpigmentation reducer and an exfoliator in one? Turmeric! Turmeric’s effects lead to lighter skin as it reduces the pigmentation present. By rubbing some on your sunspots, you can ensure that your skin will be exfoliated and relieved of hyperpigmentation.

Exfoliation is incredibly beneficial in removing these spots as it removes the pigmented skin cells, allowing your natural skin cells to grow in their place.

Home Remedy for Sunspot #6: Honey

This solution is as sweet as it sounds. Honey contains antioxidants which promote the growth of cells. This eventually decreases sunspots as they are made to fade away while improving the quality and condition of your skin by smoothening and hydrating it.

Additionally, the benefit to your skin and health must continue to shield your skin from the sun’s UV rays with the daily application of sunscreen. Doing so will maintain a barrier which protects your body from developing any more sunspots.

As you use these tips, try to leave the ingredient on the spots for around 30 minutes to allow it to take full effect. You should also apply them daily, as this will promote the speed at which the healing takes place. Apply, wait, rinse, repeat!