Sat. May 11th, 2024

How to Get Rid of Rats in Your House

It can be very scary to see a rat scurrying across your kitchen floor. By the time you see a rat in your home, an infestation most likely already occurred. As soon as you realize you have a rat problem, you need to take measures to get rid of them. Rats are filthy and carry disease and bacterial infections.

If you have yet to see a rat in your home but feel like something is amiss, there are some signs that you can look out for. For example, if you are hearing noises in the dark or seeing evidence of gnawing of wires or structural wood, you may have a rat infestation.

Rats are also very destructive and can ruin your home in a very short amount of time. Luckily, there are many things you can do to get rid of rats in your home. The best method is to call pest control services, which will clear away any mouse infestation in your home.

You can try other techniques with varying degrees of success. Below are seven smart ways on how to get rid of rats in your house:

1. Properly store your food so rats can’t access it

One of the most common ways to get rid of rats is to effectively cut their food source. You can do this by placing all of your dried goods in glass or plastic containers that are tightly sealed. Make sure that all garbage cans have a tight lid on them at all times. Also, make sure that you clean up all crumbs and food messes as they happen.

Rats also need a reliable water source, so make sure that none of your pipes are leaking. Check under your bathroom and kitchen sinks to make sure nothing is leaking there. When there is no food or water for the rats, they will eventually move onto another home.

2. Seal up any openings in your house

If rats can’t get into your home, you avoid having a rat problem in the first place. These rodents only need a space the size of a quarter to pass through. This means that even the smallest openings can be problematic. Have a good look around your home and seal up all of the holes you see.

If you’ve done this and rats are still getting into your home, you may need to call in a professional. They are trained to see even the smallest opening and know how to seal it up effectively.

3. Snap traps

A great way to kill rats in your home is to use a snap trap. You can purchase snap traps that are made of plastic or wood from your local hardware store.

Thanks to their interlocking design, it’s almost impossible for a rat to escape this type of trap. These traps are also very inexpensive, making them a great option if you don’t want to spend a lot of money.

4. Live traps

If you don’t want to kill the rats, but would like to release them once captured, use a live trap. These are the most humane way to get rid of rats. To lure the rats to this trap, you can use a little bit of peanut butter. Once you have captured a rat, you can release it back outside.

Repeat this to catch any other rats that are in your home.

5. Rat glue boards

Rat glue boards are made of cardboard and are very sticky. Make sure to purchase a heavy-duty rat glue board that is designed specifically for rats, not mice. You want to ensure that the board you’re using will be strong enough to capture the rat without it being able to escape.

This type of trap does not use any harsh chemicals or toxic compounds. If you have small children or pets, you don’t need to worry about this type of trap harming them.

Similar to snap traps, you’ll need to bait the rats into the traps. Peanut butter or cheese is an effective way to do this.

6. Bait stations

A bait station is another effective way of getting rid of rats. You can purchase these at your local hardware store. They come ready to use, with a preloaded bait block. Some of them are made with a clear lid so you can monitor bait consumption and see when it’s time to replace the station.

Bait stations are safe to use around children and pets, as they are tamper resistant.

To avoid more rats from getting into our home, you can also use these bait stations outdoors where you think the rats are entering from.

7. Call a professional

It can be quite overwhelming trying to deal with a rat infestation on your own. If you’re not comfortable implementing any of these methods, leave it up to the professionals.

It may also be time to call a professional if you’ve tried some of these steps without success.

Contact Affordable Pest Control today at 1-888-380-7378 and we’ll help you get rid of rats in your home quickly and efficiently.