Sun. May 12th, 2024

7 Famous Mental Health Organizations in North America

Mental health organizations are incredibly important to advancing the general understanding and treatment of mental health for countless people. These organizations being so vital to modern society and easily accessible to the common person. Their common goal is to remove the negative stigma of mental health, while connecting individuals with registered psychotherapists, counselling services, or professional assistance that they need.

Let’s take a look at seven of the more well-known mental health organizations and explain why they are so important. Below are seven famous mental health organizations in North America:

1. Ocean Mental Health Services

The website of Ocean Mental Health Services displays text stating, “Often, when people think about health, they consider only their physical needs. At Ocean Mental Health Services we strive to bring discussion of your mental health needs to the forefront, but we integrate our services to promote total well-being and recovery.”

As an addition to its commitment to providing effective mental health services to citizens of Ocean County, the OMHS also offers a unique opportunity of education in the Ocean Academy This academy is a small therapeutic school that provides assistance to students who need mental health support to achieve academic success.

2. Mental Health America

Mental Health America is one of America’s leading mental health organization dedicated to supporting people with mental illness and promoting mental health nationally. By utilizing political support at the state, local, and federal levels, Mental Health America is helping to enact laws that prioritize mental health. They also strive to assist people with mental illnesses via education programs and resources.

3. Canadian Mental Health Association

Providing support to over 1.3 million Canadians each year, the Canadian Mental Health Association is comprised of thousands of volunteers and staff. This allows them to offer a wide range of services and to provide assistance to many living with mental illness. This support also extends to the families of those sufferers.

The amount of support provided, as well as the system of people supporting it, make it quite effective as a mental health organization.

4. Youth Mental Health Canada

Focusing on education and advocacy for you mental health, Youth Mental Health Canada is one of the foremost supporters of mental health in Canadian youth. This organization consistently pushes for greater funding of innovative needs-based assistance and services.

The organization has also taken on the mission of raising awareness of mental health issues among young people. By doing this, they hope to chip away at the stigma surrounding mental health in modern times.


5. This Is My Brave

Speaking of the stigma surrounding mental health, This Is My Brave is a mental health organization that is attempting to break said stigma in a unique way. The organization hopes to ease the concerns of mental illness, as well as the treatment surrounding it, with storytelling.

This Is My Brave allows people from all walks of life to share their stories however they feel comfortable doing so. This can be through traditional storytelling, music, poetry, and various kinds of art. The organization hopes to one day help craft a world free from the stigma of mental health issues, where support for these problems flows freely.

6. Sheppard Pratt Health System

Sheppard Pratt Health System, or the SPHS, is America’s largest non-profit provider of mental health, substance use, special education, and social support services. SPHS has gained a reputation for being an innovator in the area of research and the application of the best practices available, especially when it comes to improving the quality of global mental health care.

Something that the organization’s website is praised for is the way that it provides information about various forms of donations. This allows donors to explore their options, especially for larger, long-term donations such as Planned Giving and share transfer. Having this information easily accessible online is a terrific way to start a conversation with potential donors who haven’t considered some methods of assisting the cause.

7. The Trevor Project

Life for a young LGBTQ person can be exceedingly rough at times. When these moments occur, it is incredibly important for these youths to have somewhere to turn. It is also important that they have a place where they can feel safe to be open about their feelings and situation. This is where The Trevor Project comes in.

The Trevor Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting young LGBTQ people through the toughest moments in life. They accomplish this by offering a 24/7 crisis line, as well as educational opportunities and resources for kids who may not have received such assistance otherwise. Plus, the overwhelming comfort of having a safe haven to go to in the darkest of times is incredibly valuable to young people.

This organization is incredibly accepting and always looking for new volunteers. The Trevor Project also appreciates any donation and support that can be spared.