Thu. May 2nd, 2024

Four Types of Equipment in Animal Farming That You Need

Farming is known as one of the ancient industries. But in the current situation, many farmers move to livestock farming, which includes raising livestock for the production of food and some other useful goods including leather, fertilizers, and wool. Cattle such as goats, sheep, pigs, horses, and chickens are usually included in livestock farming. Many livestock farmers are also raising rabbits, mules, insects (bees), and donkeys these days. There are certain equipment systems such as water tanks or pig flooring that an animal farm must have.

1. Headgates and Cage Systems

Your livestock can remain contained in a corral system. According to the number of animals you have, you should make a cage system that is big enough, easy to access, and safe for animals. You should place the coral system in the area of the field where your animals will have easy access to the water and fields where they can graze. Most cattle corral systems are designed with additional features such as adjustable gates for alleys. In addition to serving as places to brand animals, headgates regulate the flow of animals.

2. Waterers and Water Tanks

When there is a large number of animals, you need a large amount of water for them. The water and water tanks are the important parts of your farms. Big animals such as horses, pigs, and cows will need more water compared to the other animals, so you will have to manage sufficient water tanks according to their needs.

Waterers for cattle are made out of galvanized iron or rubber and have trough bowls for cattle. The health of the animals is the most important thing to consider, so it is mandatory to keep them neat and clean to maintain animal hygiene and make sure to keep troughs full. Avoid using standing water for a safe drink.

3. Flooring System

The floors of an animal farm should be made in such a way that they must provide a comfortable and temperature-controlled finish. This is especially important in the case of pig flooring as piglets need a properly temperature-regulated floor.

One of the best animal farm floors is hard concrete that has a float finish on the wood. Properly slatted floors from vendors like Canarm are very important for animal farming especially when you are dealing with breeding animals. The floors that are completely slated are hygienic, but these floors are expensive to build. As sanitized floors are helpful to avoid raising parasites and pathogens that cause diseases, they can be cleaned easily.

Smooth floors must not be used because these floors are slippery, specifically when the floor is wet. Pigs’ legs and udders are injured when they are subjected to rough terrain. To facilitate water cleaning, the floor should slope toward the rear.

4. A Manure Spreader

A manure spreader is also a very important equipment system that an animal farm must have. This is very useful equipment as in every animal farm manure loads up almost every day. A manure spreader spreads the manure onto the ground in a thin layer. This increases the fertility of soil along with managing the manure.